Archive for the Film Category

From Nowhere to the Silver Screen

Posted in 2008, Anziano, Big Screen, Blogroll, Comedy, Corie, Corie L. Anziano, corieStories, Distribution, drama, DreamWorks, Entertainment, Family, Feature Screenplay, Film, Funny, Ga, Hollywood, Humor, independent, Life, Major, movies, Network, print, Production, Social, Talent, Uncle Pervy, writer, writing with tags , , , , , , , on January 21, 2008 by Corie Anziano

So, some of you are wondering what the Press Blog below is about, so I am going to tell you –

I am a screenwriter and I have FINALLY completed a script that has huge commercial value and someone noticed and did a nice article about me! My film script is called “Uncle Pervy”; its a featured length, family/comedy, made for release in 2008/2009. I completed it in August of 2007 with the copyrights and I have had quite an amazing four months getting it into the hands of Hollywood. So far, I have been blessed to work with many different people who have immense talent and belief.

Now – I have decided to blog all of my experiences as I work in getting this produced. Anyone interested in what it takes to get this thing to Hollywood? I know I am! I will start blogging all the details of what is happening and who I meet along the way. As you know, the Film industry is one of the toughest to break into. Who thinks I can do it? Any takers? Do I see a raise in hands?…

If you follow along with me, ask me questions! I will be glad to answer anything I can. Do you have a script too? Are you trying to get it on the silver screen? If this describes you too, WELCOME! Join me in my Quest to Hollywood!

Well, I need to go for the moment, but I will be back to outline more info.

Till Later-


I got Press?? – Cool!

Posted in 2008, Anziano, Atlanta, Atlantis Music Conference, Big Screen, Blogroll, Comedy, Corie, Distribution, drama, DreamWorks, Entertainment, Family, Feature Screenplay, Film, Hollywood, Humor, independent, Jack Nicholson, Life, Major, Mandalay Pictures, movies, Production, Uncle Pervy, Warner Bros., writing with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on January 21, 2008 by Corie Anziano

On the Upcoming Hollywood Block

August 21, 2007

ATLANTA, GA. From Music to the Big Screen, Corie Anziano (Anziano Enterprises/Atlantis Music) has a new venture in the making with her latest script, Uncle Pervy. This hilarious comedy, made specifically for a silver screen release in November 2008, has not only made a stir in Atlanta, but is making its way to the hills of Hollywood. Currently, her team is working on funding, talent and/or distribution for the film. “I only need one out of the three, because once I get one, the other two will follow on its own.” Optimist when asked about talent, Anziano already has a key player in mind:

“Jack Nicholson! I had him in mind the entire time I wrote this script and I plan on get it into his hands for right of first refusal or agreement”, states Anziano.

Either way, this talented transplant from Brushton, New York has proven herself time and time again. At barely 30 years old, she has worked with National Bands (Management/Tours), The Atlantis Music Conference (Executive/Panelist Coordinator), Voting Member of National Academy of Recording Arts & Sciences, The Ultimate Party Challenge (Writing/Producing), to writing corieStories, a compilation of outrageous life endeavors.

Now, with an eye on Hollywood, she sees the movie as a “new challenge” which is something she has built her career on tackling.

Uncle Pervy is in it’s early stages. Currently, I have the script and the copyrights as well as a fantastic attorney on board. I was offered a buying price for the script immediately, but I have decided to go forth on producing the film instead with a major release company and when I find out exactly what company that is, I will let you know!” laughs Anziano.

Humble is certainly a good description of this newcomer to films, but after looking at what she has accomplished, only one thing is known, if anyone can do this, it will certainly be her.

More Manubie, Please!

Posted in Anziano, Atlanta, Comedy, Corie, drugs, Entertainment, Film, Funny, Ga, Humor, Life, Network, print, Social, Talent, True, writing on May 18, 2007 by Corie Anziano


It all started during a training conference in Atlanta, Georgia. I had just returned from the Black Cat Tattoo Parlor (another story for later) on a Saturday Night. I had made a phone call to Rachael to tell her about the killer tribal tattoo I had got on my back. After I got done telling her of my artistic escapade, I went to sleep. Approximately, two hours later, I woke up to a stinging sensation over my right eye. Half a sleep, I slap whatever it was that was biting me (thinking it was a mosquito of some sort) and went back to sleep.

The next morning I woke up to my cell phone ringing. It was Rachael again. While I was talking to her, I noticed that my eyes were having a hard time focusing. As I rubbed my eyes, figuring I was just sleepy; my eyes started to burn and become increasingly sensitive to the light.

Me: I think I was bitten by a Vampire and I am in the middle of my transformation!

Rachael: What?

The next thing I know, I am being rushed to Piedmont Hospital. I am in severe pain and blind in one eye!

(One of the girls from work searched my room and found the culprit that bit me. A BLACK WIDOW SPIDER! Yep, in my hotel room!)

When I got to Triage, I could barely see anything at all except for shapes and shadows. I sat in the emergency room for 2 hours seeing 5 different nurses.

They ALL Spoke Fluent Retard and asked me the SAME questions over and over.

Nurse: I need some information.


Nurse (matter-of-fact): Social Security Number?


I tell her the number again while holding my head in my hands in agony!

Nurse (dumbfounded): 06 What?

Me (In pain and EXTREMELY annoyed): AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I repeat it.

Nurse (confused like the retard she is): 062 or Oh, 62?

Me: Oh Dear Jesus, are you kidding me? You’re from Daily Labor, aren’t you?

Nurse (oblivious): What?


Nurse (deer in headlights): What?

Aggravated, I start throwing out random numbers; she only has to catch nine.

She reads a string of them back

Nurse: Is that right?

Me (motioning her to go away with my hand): YES, BINGO! Whatever!

In the mists of my pain, a doctor walks in wearing a tie covered with yellow smiley faces. He was a walking advertisement for Wal-Mart on Ecstasy.

Patch Adams: You appear to be in pain!

Me: Hey-Captain Obvious! Less Talking, More Drugs!

He takes out his handy-dandy clip board and a pen.

Patch: Date of last Menstrual Period?

I look at him in Contempt.


Knowing that Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder is now a legal defense for murder, I tell him I have it currently. (It is always nice to have a back-up defense in case my attorney needs options.)

Then another doctor comes in and I SWEAR TO GOD he asked me:

Doctor: What painkiller do you want me to give you?


I get bit by a spider and I have Doogie Houser by my side! THAT’S JUST FRICK’EN GREAT!


Dr: What kind of high do you like?


Dr. Kevorkian then looks at the nurse and orders Nubain.

(I wasn’t familiar with Nubain until I found out later they use it a lot in child birth so that should explain the damn pain I was in!)

The nurse then comes into the room and looks at me.

Nurse: You might want to lay back.

Me: Why? Is this gonna make me float? Cause I hate that floaty crap! If I float I will make sure someone dies when I come down!

Nurse: No, It wont make you float, but you should get comfortable

I lay back and watch her put this needle into the IV. I swear to you as sure as I am alive, that stuff coursed through my veins and into my head faster than Whitney Houston’s stay in rehab.

My head all of a sudden weighed as much as Kristie Alleys thigh and I couldn’t move. They didn’t FLOAT ME- they SUNK ME! Like the TITANIC and it was GREAT!

The nurse turned out the lights and smiled:

Nurse: Good night!

Me: uhh huh.

Ok, now I have learned from some friends who have tripped on acid that you should always be careful of the last thing you either watched on TV or had in your head BEFORE taking the trip. I now know why they said this! Before I left the hotel, the Sound of Music was on the TV.

Within a blink on an eye, I was on a mountain top swinging around in circles; wearing a penguin dress, singing on top of my lungs The Hills Are Alive. The only difference between me and Julie Andrews was I really thought they were and talking to me!

I never understood how people could love drugs…until now. I woke up in a haze six hours later, when Dr. Feelgood came in with MORE.

In between shots, I would call Rachael:

Me: Heey yew!

Rachael: You just wake up?

Me: Yesh I did and the word of the day is WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

Rachael: Nice!

Me: This Manubie or Newbie stuff is soo awesum girrrrl..I heard the hills talk’en and da animals and guessh whad theey said?

Rachael: What?

Me: Thaiy don’t like PETA ehither!

Rachael: That’s nice Corie!

Me: Awe, Here’s da nurse now…

Rachael: Ok honey, Night Night!

Me: Buh bye, I love yew!

For a week straight I was blitzed on a sleigh ride of euphoria; but then came the EVILEST words I have EVER HEARD in the English Language:

Nurse: Time to stop the Nubain.

Me: Wwh whh whh WHAT? WHY?

Nurse: You are doing much better but we will substitute it with light doses of Morphine.


Nurse: Sorry, Doctors Orders!


Nurse: On a scale 1-10, what is your pain?

Me: 15

Nurse (sarcastically): Sure it is!


Nurse: Mmm Hmm.


Nurse (carefree): Sorry! He’s not here this morning

Me (pointing at here): Ah Ha! He doesn’t know of your deviation!

Nurse: He called his instructions in.

Me: I don’t trust you; I demand a second opinion by a trained medical professional!

Nurse (Ignoring my requests): I will note your chart.

Me (suspiciously): I bet you don’t even have a license! Where did you go to school?

Nurse: What?

Me: Don’t stall! You heard me! You’re stalling so you can make-up an answer!

Nurse (rolling her eyes): Yeah, you got me. I am working off my Community Service!

Me: Don’t toy with me woman!

Nurse (administering Morphine to IV): There, all done.

Me: I am suspicious of your credentials!

Nurse (walking away): That’s Nice.

Me (evil voice): Ill be watching you!

She shakes her head and leaves. I call Rachael.

Rachael: Hello?

Me: I am filing a misconduct report against the nurses here for Cruel and Unusual Punishment!

Rachael (laughing): Aww honey, did they cut you off?


Rachael (sincere): But you sound better sweetie.

Me (scowling): We no longer can be friends!

I hang up. I can’t associate with a traitor! If I didn’t know better, I would suspect she was French!

Two days later, I still only had vision in one eye but I was paroled anyways. The nurses gleefully waved at me while I left with my multiple Vicodin prescriptions. I still wonder how they sleep at night!

Rachael arrived from Florida at this point to drive me back to my hotel and to help me out.

(I decided to pardon her for treason due to the fact it cost her $500 to see me. She got a speeding ticket and I figured Karma had aired its revenge.)

When Rachael and I got to the hotel she was leery.

Rachael (curiously): Corie?

Me: hmm?

Rachael (suspiciously): Is this the SAME room you were bitten in?

Me (appalled): Oh, heavens NO! Do you think I would stay in the same room?

Rachael: Just checking.

I was lying. Don’t Judge Me!

The Day I won the Lottery

Posted in Comedy, Corie, Corie L. Anziano, corieStories, drama, Entertainment, Family, Film, Funny, Humor, Life, Social, Talent, True, Uncategorized, WMA, writer, writing on May 15, 2007 by Corie Anziano

I wake up staring at the ceiling. I feel like I have been train wrecked. My outlook on the world today is bland and uninspiring. I hit writer’s block two days ago and I am still mourning my creative ability with hopes it will resurrect itself soon. I think God is punishing me for something but I have no idea why; I live such a wholesome life. I have hit the point where even my conscience is talking to me:

Self: “Corie, I don’t think this is working out. It’s not you, it’s me! I think we need space.”

I refuse to answer back. Not because of the stereotypical characteristics associated with answering ones self, but because I have nothing to say until Mr. Conscience apologizes!
I then sit up and sit on the side of my bed and it dons on me: I have been wearing the same spaghetti stained t-shirt for two days. The stain has graduated to being an annoyance. Therefore, being the spotless perfectionist that I am, I lift the shirt over my head, turn it inside out and put it back on. Stain – GONE!

I get up and go fumbling through the kitchen and make a pot of coffee. While I am waiting for my Starbucks brew, I look for some cereal. Corn Puffs – I pour a big bowl.

(Its not that it’s my favorite, but it’s all I have until I go shopping.)

I then shuffle to the fridge.
“No Milk. That’s just Great!!”
I need a substitute! I rummage through the cupboards – Nothing. What the hell can I use? I look in the pantry. No condensed milk or evaporated either. Then I see it – Kahlúa! I make Chocolate Ghetto Puffs. (Don’t judge me!)

I go back to the coffee pot again and become immediately disgusted with myself.
“Dammit, I forgot to put coffee in!”

I now have a pot of hot water.
“Can this day get ANY worse?”
I guess I could make tea? No. Instant coffee? No, that shit tastes like ass.

Ovaltine? Why Not!!

Hot Ovaltine and Chocolate Ghetto Puffs – It’s the breakfast of Champions!
As I turn on the TV eating my cocoa concoction my mind wanders and my imagination starts to toy with me as I see a woman ecstatic over winning the lottery.

Voices in my head (taunting): “Maybe you should play the lotto!”

Me (depressed): “no, I don’t think so. I never win.”

Voice: “You never play!”

Me (pondering): “True”

Voice (convincing): “You could WIN!”

Me (getting excited): “really?”

Voice in my head: “God WANTS you to win. Think about it…Do HAPPY people win? NO! This would make the perfect story. Writer blocked woman wins 50 million on Powerball – News at 6!”

Me: “WOW!”

Voice: “God’s been holding out on you.”

Me (agreeing): “He HAS!”

I decide God DOES owes me! Maybe Karma is finally singing my song! This must be a sign! A random thought like this NEVER pops into my head at this stature. I hurry and take a shower to go down to the Quik Mart to buy a ticket immediately.

On the way there, there is a man holding a sign in the median of the road that read “Jesus loves You!”

I honk my horn and yell out the window:

Me (ecstatic): “Thank You Brother!”

It’s yet another sign! I can feel the adrenaline rushing in my veins!! As I stop at a red light, I see a slow moving woman wearing a “Vegas” t-shirt, crossing the road with a midget. Right before I honk at them to get out of my way, I see the symbolism!

“Holy Shit! It’s a Leprechaun and Lady Luck!”

Today IS my day! I yell inside my car to the sky:


I am getting high on life! The air smells cleaner, the people seem “different”. It’s as if they recognize that soon I will be “The First National” on my block! I will buy a fast car with a fancy license plate with letters that spell cute phrases phonetically like:

“IrichUpo”, “WhoBlafNow”, or just “HAHAHAH!

I then turn on the radio.
“OH MY GOD!” They are playing “I Wanna Be Rich”, by Calloway!
“Coincidence? I THINK NOT!!!”

As I pull into the Quik Mart humming my happy tune, I look at all of the mortals who will soon bow to my mere existence due to my over exuberant wealth! It feels good to reign!

Counter lady (bland): “Can I help you?”

Me (convinced): “I will take my winning Power Ball ticket Please!”

Counter Lady (condescending): “Oh, How Original, like I haven’t heard that one before!”

Me (irritated): “You just wait until you see my face on the news with the winning ticket!

Counter Lady: “Yeah, can’t wait – woohoo! NEXT?”

WHAT??? How DARE she look her second-rate nose down at me?? I will make sure the electric fence around my mansion is turned up Extra-High when she passes by!!
I then get in my car admiring my ticket. I could feel its power just by holding it in my hands! I safely tuck it into the glove compartment and head home.
When I arrive, I take my ticket inside and put it on my refrigerator with a magnet. I start to daydream more about all of the things I plan on doing with the money:

A new car, a mansion in the hills of Beverly, a beach home in Maui, a Yacht and of course, a small percentage to a Charity. (I can write that off at the end of the year!)
I then start making a list of all of the people who I love and should help. (It’s funny; the list seems “shorter” than I imagined it would be).

I then start doodling. I have memorized my winning ticket numbers and I write them real neatly across the top of the list. I then leave the paper by the kitchen phone and decide to get some rest. I have a long day tomorrow when I go down to the claiming office.

I wake. I reach over for the phone; it’s time to get my numbers confirmed. I listen to the numbers and I write them down on a piece of paper by the bedroom phone. My first instinct is to run and get the ticket, but NO! I force myself to relax and do this calmly. There is no reason for getting all crazy; it’s not the proper etiquette of the elite.

So, I go to the bathroom, make a pot of coffee (remembering to actually put it in this time) and THEN get the ticket. I close my eyes with it in my hands holding it to my chest.

Me (soft and sweetly): “Lord, you know I love you, right?”

I take a deep breath and compare it to the numbers on the paper by the kitchen phone.

I start doing the happy dance all over my house yelling on top of my lungs!


I am crying tears of happiness!!! I fall to my knees and thank the Lord again! I am ecstatic! THIS IS THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE!!!!! I knew the phrase “ask and you shall receive” was written especially for me!!! I can’t wait to see the clerks face NOW when she sees me on the news!!! I MUST CALL EVERYONE I KNOW!!!

I pick up the phone…WAIT! I should talk to my lawyer first! Yes, that’s it! Incorporate!
I can feel the current of the electric fence already! I can smell the new interior of the car!

I run in my room to get dressed. (I want to be at the claiming office when it opens!) I must look good because they take your picture also! As I look for the perfect “I won, you didn’t” outfit, I decide I HAVE TOO TELL SOMEONE!

I will call my mom. I sit on my bed and start dialing the phone. I am so excited, I miss-dial 4 times!!! I look at the clock. It’s 3am. The phone starts to ring. I am smiling HUGE!!!

Then, it happens. I see a piece of paper by the phone with numbers scribbled across the top. They bare no resemblance to any I have seen before. I then realize what I have done.

Mom (groggy): ‘hello”
I hang up. I go running into the kitchen and get my ticket and bring it to my room.
My tears of happiness turn to tears of pain. I sit on my bed half dressed, saddened and depressed. I think of the Biblical phrase written especially for me:

“God Giveth, God Taketh Away.”

I fall back on my bed looking at the ceiling. I feel like I have been train wrecked. My outlook on the world today is bland and uninspiring more than ever with the knowledge, that I won the lottery for 14 minutes and 54 seconds!

Corie L. Anziano
Copyright 2007

Hello world!

Posted in 2008, A&R, Anziano, Atlanta, Atlantis, Atlantis Music Conference, bands, Big Screen, Blogroll, Comedy, Corie, Corie L. Anziano, Distribution, DreamWorks, drugs, Entertainment, Feature Screenplay, Film, Funny, Ga, Hollywood, Humor, independent, Life, Live Performance, movies, MTV, Music, myspace, NARAS, print, radio, Record Labels, Social, Talent, True, Uncategorized, writer, writing on May 15, 2007 by Corie Anziano

Welcome to . Enjoy my life stories! They are best enjoyed shaken, not stirred!

Corie Anziano